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Writer's pictureJon Stoddard

All You Need To Know About Florida Ants in 2023

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Ants are a worthy opponent when they attack your home, yard, car, or company. Ants have incredible talents that are often overlooked while dealing with an ant infestation. Whether you use bait or a trap to get rid of ants quickly and thoroughly, you need to have some background knowledge about their behaviors, biology, and skills. Because there are over 12,000 species globally, proper ant identification is critical for ant control.

Except for Antarctica, ants can be found on every continent. Ants are social insects, which means they live in colonies with other ants. Workers and reproductive castes, both male and female, are segregated into two castes in colonies. As depicted in Aesop's Fable, The Ants, and the Grasshopper, Ants are productive and hardworking creatures. The sterile female worker ants have a lot of obligations. They must build, repair, and defend the nest, feed and nurse the colony's young and other adult ants, seek food and water, and remove the waste. The Bible praises the female worker ant's work ethic and encourages us to follow her self-motivation and work ethic. "Go to the ant, you sluggard!" says Proverbs 6:6-8. Consider her methods and be intelligent, for she provides her supplies in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest, even though she has no captain, overseer, or ruler." Queens are female reproductive ants whose primary duty is reproduction. Some queens live for years and give birth to millions of children. The queen of some ant species may assist by caring for and feeding the initial worker brood. A colony may have one queen ant or dozens of queens, depending on the specific ant species. The primary purpose of male ants is to mate with the queen. They die after they mate.

Consider the incredible physical feats that ants are capable of once more. Ants can lift ten to fifty times their body weight. A 200-pound man could quickly move a car if humans had such weight-lifting ability. Ants don't have lungs; hence they can't breathe. Oxygen enters ants' bodies through tiny pores, similar to stomata on plant leaves, and carbon dioxide escapes through the same holes.

Ants use pheromone trails to communicate with one another. You might be perplexed about how hundreds of ants ended up in your bathroom or kitchen. The solution is that the foraging ant who discovered the food source left a smell trail for the other ants to follow! Scent communication is complicated but effective for ants. Ants use pheromones to alert the colony of danger, remove sick or dying ants from the nest, and tell others where to obtain food.

Some ants have developed complex "farming" methods. Some ant species nurture aphids as humans raise, care for and protect sheep, goats, cows, and chicks. Ants vigorously defend their aphid "herds" against predators and parasites and ensure they have enough food. In exchange, aphids offer ants a consistent supply of sweet honeydew, a sugary, delicious food. Because of the strength of this symbiotic relationship, certain aphids rely on the ants to "milk" them. To induce the release of honeydew, ants will stroke the aphids.

The leafcutter ant is another example of an ant farming technology. Leafcutter ants are primarily found in Central and South America, spreading to Texas, Arizona, southern California, and western Louisiana. Leaf Cutter Ants cut leaves and bring the fragments back to their underground nests. The fungus that grows in the gardens of Leaf Cutter Ants requires rotting plant debris to thrive. The Leaf Cutter Ant's sole source of nutrition is a fungus that grows inside their nests.

Ants have a strong sense of survival. Some ant species can swim and float. Fire ants are the best example of this behavior. When a fire ant-infested field floods, the fire ants flee their nest and form a pancake-shaped cluster. Fire ants may float for weeks in this configuration without drowning. Fire ant flotillas are common in the aftermath of hurricanes in the southern United States.

We've only scratched the surface of some of the ants' most astonishing talents; each species has its dietary preferences, behavioral features, and biochemical drives. Identifying the ants infesting your home, company, or vehicle is vital to eliminate ants permanently. Once you've confirmed the ant's identity, you'll know what they like to eat, how and when they forage, and how to get rid of them.

What Are Some Of The Best Ways to Get Rid of Ants In Your House?

Ant infestations are the most common cause for contacting a professional pest control business. It's challenging to get rid of ants in your home! No matter how many ants you kill, another army of ants appears to take their place. Ants occur in a variety of sizes, colors, and diet preferences. The most crucial step in getting rid of ants is thoroughly inspecting your home and yard. A thorough pest control examination should disclose the type of ant you're dealing with and the locations of the ants' nests. Kitchens and bathrooms are usually the ideal pest areas to start an ant examination, but you'll probably end up outside.

How Do You Inspect For Ants?

As part of our ongoing effort to keep our valued customers informed and empowered, we present a comprehensive guide to ant inspection for residential and commercial settings. While ants are a vital part of the ecosystem, when they infiltrate our spaces, they can cause significant problems. It's essential to detect and manage ant invasions as early as possible.

Step 1: Identifying Potential Signs of an Ant Infestation

The first step towards conducting a successful ant inspection involves looking for signs of an infestation. These signs include:

  1. Sightings: Regular sightings of ants in your premises, especially in kitchens and bathrooms, could indicate an infestation.

  2. Ant Trails: Ants leave a pheromone trail for others to follow. If you see a line of ants moving back and forth from a food source, you likely have an ant problem.

  3. Nests: Ant nests look like small piles of soil or dirt. They can be found in various locations such as walls, stumps, under rocks, and in pavement cracks.

  4. Rustling Sounds: In large infestations, you may hear a faint rustling sound in your walls or beneath your floors, especially during quiet times.

Step 2: Locating the Nest

Once you have identified signs of an ant problem, the next step is to locate their nest. This can be done by:

  1. Tracking Ant Trails: Follow the trail of ants to identify where they are coming from or going. This will usually lead you to their nest.

  2. Observing at Night: Some types of ants, especially carpenter ants, are more active during the night. Observing during this time can help you locate the nest.

Step 3: Assess the Severity of the Infestation

After locating the nest, it's important to assess the severity of the infestation. This can help in developing an effective management plan. If the infestation is minor and limited to a specific area, do-it-yourself methods might work. However, in cases of a serious infestation, it's recommended to call in professional pest control services.

Step 4: Document the Findings

Document all the findings - the signs of infestation, the nest locations, and the problem's severity. This will be useful for any professional pest control experts you may engage, and it also helps you monitor the situation to assess whether your intervention methods are working.

Remember, the best approach to pest management is a preventive one. Regular inspections, immediate action at the first signs of an ant problem, and maintaining a clean environment can help keep your premises ant-free.

How Do You Remove Ant Food Sources?

1. Maintain Cleanliness in Eating Areas

One of the main attractions for ants is the presence of food particles and residues. It's crucial to keep all eating and food preparation areas clean. Wipe down surfaces after every meal, clean up spills immediately, and never leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Consider using a mild bleach solution or a vinegar-based cleaner to eliminate any lingering food smells that could attract ants.

2. Store Food Properly

Ensure all food items, especially sweets, meats, and pet food, are stored in air-tight containers or sealed bags. If ants can't access the food, they will have less incentive to invade your space. Don't forget to properly seal and store food waste until it's ready to be removed.

3. Regular Trash Management

Ants are known to rummage through garbage to find food. Ensure that you are emptying your bins regularly, especially those in the kitchen. Make sure all garbage containers are sealed tightly. When disposing of especially enticing foodstuffs, like fruit peels or meat bones, it may be beneficial to bag the waste separately before placing it in the bin.

4. Limit Food Consumption to Certain Areas

Restrict eating to designated areas like the kitchen or dining room if possible. This will help to prevent crumbs or food spills from being scattered around the house or office, reducing the likelihood of ants being attracted to those areas.

5. Regular Inspection of Potential Entry Points

Lastly, it's crucial to check for and seal potential entry points regularly. Ants can enter through the smallest cracks, and while this may not remove food sources, it certainly limits their ability to access those sources. Regular inspections around windows, doors, and building foundations can help prevent entry.

By following these strategies, you can effectively reduce the availability of ant food sources on your premises, leading to a lesser likelihood of dealing with an ant infestation. However, if you do find yourself facing an ant problem, professional pest management services can provide effective and safe solutions.

Ant Entry Points Must Be Stopped

Ants can enter through tiny cracks and crevices around your property, making conducting regular checks and sealing any potential entry points vital. Here's how you can accomplish this:

1. Regular Inspection

The first step is a regular and thorough inspection of your property. Look closely for tiny gaps around windows, doors, pipes, and utility lines and cracks in the walls or foundation. Remember that ants are adept at finding the smallest openings, so a careful and meticulous inspection is crucial.

2. Sealing Cracks and Crevices

Once potential entry points are identified, use a suitable sealant, such as silicone-based caulk, to close these gaps. Make sure to clean the area before applying the sealant for maximum effectiveness. You may need to consider professional repair services for large cracks or damage.

3. Install Door Sweeps and Repair Damaged Screens

Installing door sweeps on exterior doors can effectively block a common ant entry point. Similarly, repair any damaged window or door screens as these can provide easy access for ants.

4. Weather Stripping

Another way to prevent ant access is by applying weather stripping around doors and windows. This not only helps to keep out ants but can also improve the energy efficiency of your property by reducing drafts.

5. Manage Outdoor Landscaping

Vegetation touching your building can provide a pathway for ants. Regularly trim trees and shrubs that come in contact with your property. Additionally, consider creating a gravel or stone barrier around the base of your property, as ants prefer not to cross such rough terrain.

6. Professional Pest Control Services

Consider engaging professional pest control services in case of severe infestations or large-scale preventative measures. They can provide a thorough inspection and comprehensive treatment, ensuring all potential entry points are adequately sealed.

Implementing these strategies forms an effective barrier against ant infestations. Remember, a proactive approach toward pest control can save you considerable time, stress, and expense in the long run.

Bait vs. Sprays for Ants

The purpose of murdering ants is to eliminate the entire colony, including the queen. Even if you can't find and treat the nest, you may destroy the whole territory with today's highly technical and specialized insecticides. Insecticides have come significantly since the 1970s when they left a nasty white residue along the baseboards. Modern Pest Control Operators prefer ant baiting over-spraying a chemical treatment inside your home since it is more effective. Baiting is a safer, more environmentally friendly solution for homeowners, and it is also the most effective way of ant control.

Ant baits are available in several forms, including gels, liquids, granules, and solids. All ant baits include an attractant or a combination of attractants, such as sugar, carbohydrate, or protein, and an active pesticide component. The active element is intended to be slow-acting and not cause death right away. Because of their social structure, ants respond effectively to baits. Worker ants search and forage for food, bringing it back to the nest to feed the queen and male ants. Because these baits take a long time to operate, the foraging ants have plenty of time to tell their friends about the plentiful "meal" and make several excursions from the nest to the bait.

Ant baits contain a variety of active chemicals. Boric acid, sometimes known as borax, is a popular and powerful disinfectant found in laundry detergent. Other ant baits include the active chemicals fipronil, avermectin, and indoxacarb, also used in flea and tick treatments for your dog or cat. The active substances in baits are usually at such low levels that human intake is unlikely to cause poisoning.

The disadvantage of ant baiting is that ants can be picky eaters. To persuade ants to "take the bait," you must first understand their feeding habits. They seek or prefer protein and carbs at other times within the same ant species. If the bait does not include the necessary attractant, the pest ants may entirely disregard the bait. Many professional pest control companies use a chemical spray on the outside of the house with their edible bait. However, the proper pest control spray class must be utilized.

Ant Repellent vs. Non-Repellent Sprays

Have you ever reached for the insect spray container under the kitchen sink and sprayed the ants marching across your kitchen counter? What exactly did they do? They most likely came to a complete stop, did a series of right and left turns, and proceeded to walk directly around the spray. That is the distinguishing feature of a repellent spray. While there are some applications for repellent sprays, ant control is not one of them. You're essentially chasing ants throughout your kitchen and bathroom if you use an ant deterrent spray.

You can try cleaning a surface sprayed with a repellant that you need or want to use for bait placement. Ants have a highly developed sense of smell. To remove any insecticide residue from the repellent spray, wipe the surface with warm soapy water and a paper towel, then rinse with water.

In the fight against ants, non-repellent sprays are incredibly efficient. Because ants cannot detect non-repellent insecticide sprays, they do not avoid them as the ants in the preceding example did. These non-repellent sprays work similarly to baits; you don't have to persuade the ants to eat what you're presenting. Instead, they return to the nest by walking through the invisible insecticide. They distribute the active component from one ant to the next, and the colony is eventually wiped out.

Indoor spraying should only be used as a last option. Indoors, most ant problems can be managed without using the spray. Non-repellent sprays designated for ant control should be used only outside your home. The law is the label on the product's bottle. Using a product to contradict the label is against the law in the United States. Always follow and read the instructions on the product's label, but you can generally spray around the foundation of your property and at entrance points such as doors and windows. You may also use the spray to cover the holes where cable and power wires enter the structure.

How To Rid Yourself Of Those Pesky Ants In The Kitchen

Like all pest species we deal with, Ants are attracted to your home because it provides them with plenty of food, water, and shelter. The industrious ant can locate a meal even in the cleanest of kitchens. A few extra measures should be addressed when killing ants in the kitchen.

Remember how we discussed how important it is to follow the ant track earlier? This is when it becomes crucial! Baiting for ants attracts more of them to the table (bait tray). Placing a tray of bait on your kitchen counter will result in more ants than before you treated, which is never the goal of pest management! If the ants marching across your kitchen counter are frightening you, offer them the bait earlier in their march. You can intercept the ants and feed them the bait before they get to the kitchen by following the ant track to a windowsill or door frame. The number of ants in your kitchen will decrease almost immediately.

You'll have a chance to see if the ants are eating the bait if you halt them before they get to your kitchen. If you put out a bait tray full of tasty bait, and they ignore it totally and head for your kitchen, they're looking for something different. Ant baits are designed to satiate ants' diverse needs for sugars, proteins, carbs, and lipids, among other things. You may need to experiment with different baits until you find one the ants like.

Keeping the kitchen ant-free is very important for ants. Spills and Drippings should be cleaned up as soon as possible. Never leave food on the counter that hasn't been covered. Make a habit of cleaning spills in cabinets, pantries, and other hard-to-reach spaces regularly. Inspect and repair any leaking faucets or plumbing pipes as soon as possible; excess moisture attracts a variety of pests to your kitchen.

Ridding Yourself Of Pesky Ants In The Bathroom

With a few exceptions, ant infestations in your bathroom can be treated using the same procedures as other house sections. If ants congregate in your bathroom, it's most likely because they're acquiring something they need to survive there. The most evident life-sustaining element ants get from your toilet is water.

Carpenter ants are known as the most common ant species found in bathrooms. Carpenter ants and how to get rid of them are covered further below, although they frequently make nests behind the tiles or on your bathroom walls. Not all carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they can excavate and remove damaged wood from your structure to construct their nests. Carpenter ants are the most difficult insects to eradicate, mainly if they have built a nest within your bathroom.

Argentine ants are another ant species that might be found in the toilet daily. Outside, Argentine ants construct nests in damp regions near food. Indoors, this could imply behind the bathroom, inside the toilet tank, or under the bathroom sink. Supercolony ants include Argentine ants. They are incredibly versatile and may survive in environments where most other ants perish. If you locate an Argentine ant colony in your bathroom, you should make every effort to destroy it.

Carpenter Ants and How to Get Rid of Them

closeup image of a carpenter ant

One of the most frequent interior pests is carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are easily identified by their vast size and black and red color pattern; adult carpenter ant workers range in length from 12 to 5/8 inches. Carpenter ants can be one of the most difficult ant species to eradicate because they reside in enormous colonies. Finding the carpenter ants' nest is critical to eliminate them from your property. Carpenter ants can construct their nest either indoors or outside. Carpenter ant extermination necessitates specific knowledge and, in many cases, extensive detective work.

Carpenter ant treatment regimens are comparable to those used by other ant species in many aspects, but they differ in others. We talked about luring ants with edible ant baits before. The ants will readily take the bait back to the colony and give it to the other ants if it is consumed. Carpenter ants are particularly problematic since they prefer to devour both living and dead insects rather than baits left out for them. Although the most popular and effective carpenter ant bait has been removed from the market, other baits labeled for carpenter ants are available. Carpenter ants will only consume various things at different year periods, making baiting more challenging. To properly control carpenter ants, you may need to alternate between or supply a combination of sweet, protein, and carbohydrate-based baits. You may have to experiment with different baits if the nest is indoors and inaccessible.

In addition to culinary baits, a non-repellent chemical spray can be quite effective against carpenter ants. You can almost always accomplish 100 percent control by using low-toxicity baits indoors and a non-repellent chemical spray outdoors. Spraying for ants indoors should only be used as a last resort. It is vital, as previously said, to follow the ant trails. Carpenter ants are typically active at night, making tracking difficult. You're in the realm of utilizing a non-repellent chemical spray if your carpenter's ant path leads you out a window, entry door, or sliding glass door. This is not the moment to dig under the sink for the bug spray you can buy at the supermarket. Carpenter ants have little sense of smell and are unable to detect a high-quality non-repellent insecticide. Live insects are the primary diet of carpenter ants. They must go outside to acquire their live insect food, even if they are nesting indoors. The ants will be subject to the insecticide sprayed around your home when they trail outside. The insecticide coating the ants' feet and bodies are then spread throughout the nest as they interact with the other ants. The slow-acting insecticide eventually kills the carpenter ant colony. These sprays can be used to treat the perimeter of your property, as well as the areas surrounding your doors and windows, like any cable or power lines that the ants may be using to gain access to your home. If you uncover a carpenter's ant nest, read the product label to determine if you can use the insecticide to treat the nest as well as neighboring bushes or trees.

Treatment with non-repellent foam is another effective weapon against carpenter ants. A pesticide foam may be acceptable if a carpenter's ant nest is located inside a wall void or another inaccessible region. You can get pesticide close enough to the nest to be transported inside by foraging ants, killing the colony, drilling a small hole in the wall, and injecting foam.

Carpenter ants can be one of the most difficult pest control challenges because they have so many distinct traits. The main goal is to eliminate the entire ant colony using edible baits (liquid or granular), chemical sprays, or on-repellent foams. Complete carpenter ant control is achieved when both satellite nests and the surrounding parent nest are removed.

Carpenter Ants Habits of Feeding, Shelter, Foraging, and Characteristics.

Carpenter ants graze at night, and they do it in small groups. Carpenter worker ants forage up to one hundred yards from the colony in search of food and water; that's a football field's worth of distance! Carpenter ants are unusual in that they eat sweet nectars and honeydew like other ants, but they also eat live and dead smaller creatures. Pet food might help them meet their protein demands at home. A foraging carpenter ant will utilize trees touching the rooftop or a cable or power line to enter your home if the carpenter ant nest is outside.

Carpenter ants are sometimes known as indicator species because they require water to exist. Carpenter ants may indicate the presence of a water leak, decaying wood, or other moisture issues in your property.

Carpenter ants look for breeding sites in addition to hunting for food and water. A mature carpenter ant colony can establish 9–12 satellite nests. Even if you kill just one satellite nest, the problem will continue to grow on your property. Indoor satellite nesting sites, which require less moisture than the parent nest, can be found beneath attic insulation, wall voids, and other hollow places. When a carpenter's ant nest is found indoors, it is usually a satellite nest rather than the parent nest. Satellite nests are usually between 20 and 100 feet away from the primary nest. Workers, adult broods, and typically flying reproductives make up satellite nests. Although satellite nests cannot breed without a queen, if left undisturbed, they can remain a hive of carpenter ant activity for years.

Do Carpenter Ants Damage Wood?

Carpenter ants, as their name implies, will hack and chew away at the sturdy wood that holds your house together. Carpenter ants love to construct their nests in wood that has been damaged by rot, rotting, mold, or termites, although the black carpenter ant may gnaw through sound wood as well. Carpenter ants tunnel and remove wood from your home to build a nest. They don't eat wood for the same reasons as termites do, but they can chew through it and cause structural damage. They excavate wood for tunnels and passageways when building their nests. They chew the wood into fine powdery sawdust, which is subsequently discharged from the tunnels. Carpenter ant damage differs from termite-damaged wood in appearance. An experienced Pest Management Professional or Entomologist can determine which bug is responsible for the existing damage to the wood.

Do I Have Ants, or is it Termites?

Carpenter ants go through a complete metamorphosis, with the phases of life being egg, larva, pupa, adult worker, adult alate, and adult reproductive. Carpenter ants start new colonies when the reproductives, the winged males and females, leave the nest for mating or nuptial flight. The male dies after they mate, and the female tries to bury herself in order to start a new colony with her fertilized eggs. Dead ant male-winged carpenter ants fall on windowsills and door frames during the swarm season, which runs from April to June. Due to their rarity, these winged ants are frequently mistaken for termites. Carpenter ants or termites swarming in or around your home can be determined by a Pest Management Professional's skilled and experienced eye. The main differences between carpenter ants and termite alates are summarized below.

Identification of Antennae of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ant Alate – The antennae are elbowed, meaning they turn at nearly a right angle.

Termite Alate – antennae are beaded, meaning short, and positioned together like that of necklace beads.

Wing Identification of Carpenter Ants.

Carpenter Ant Alate – the carpenter ants' swarmer wings that are closer to the head, called Fore Wings, is considerably larger than the hind wings of the rear.

Termite Alate – Termite Swarmer wings of the front and back wings are the exact same in size.

Waist Identification Of Termites and Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ant Alate – A Carpenter ant's waist is constricted or pinched and looks slender compared to a termite.

Termite Alate – A Termite swarmer waist is broad and thick in appearance.

Similar to a Coke bottle.

Suppose you find either winged carpenter ants or winged termites near or in your home. In that case, we recommend you contact Imperial Pest Prevention for a professional pest control inspection, insect/pest identification, and pest control treatment plan to exterminate the pest swarming near your business or house.

Carpenter Ant Nest Identification

Carpenter ant nests start when the newly fertilized queen returns to her nest after mating. She buries herself under loose bark, wood debris, or a fallen tree stump, where she raises her first brood. Carpenter ants take about 50-70 days to mature from egg to adult. The colony expands swiftly since the queen can live up to 25 years and give birth to thousands of children during her lifespan. Carpenter ants have between 4,000 and 10,000 worker ants in a colony.

As spoken about earlier, a mature carpenter ant colony will establish satellite nests. These satellite nests are usually between 20 and 100 feet away from the parent nest and do not have a queen. These nests require less moisture and tolerate higher temperatures than the parent ant nest. These are the ant nests that are more likely to be found indoors. Indoors, carpenter nests are typically found in areas with some moisture seepage, such as bathrooms and kitchens, although they are also commonly found in attics. Additional common indoor carpenter ants can be found in wall voids, beneath eaves, under bathtubs, near rain- or sprinkler-prone doors and windows, behind or under appliances (particularly the dishwasher), on flat roofs, and behind wall panels. Excavating carpenter ants do damage that is considerably more slowly than termite damage, but it does happen. If these nests are permitted to remain in your home, they may cause structural damage.

To get rid of carpenter ants, you must find and treat the nest. Finding and treating the satellite and parent nests is an important part of a full carpenter ant treatment. The problem is only partially alleviated if a satellite nest is treated, but foraging workers from the primary nest continue to enter your home. Assume that the conditions that led to the initial carpenter ant infestation remain unaddressed, such as a moisture problem or overgrown branches that create a highway to your attic eaves. The colony as a whole is not destroyed. Carpenter ants will thrive and continue to forage into your home if this is the case.

How to Get Rid of Sugar Ants

Have you ever seen tiny black ants swarm the one drop of maple syrup on your breakfast table before it was even cleared? If that's the case, you've probably cursed sugar ants. How did they get there in such a short time? Ants have five times as many odor sensors as other insects. Sugar ants are a type of common pest ant that appears to have an insatiable sweet craving. The banded sugar ant is a unique ant species that can only be found in Australia. Sugar ants, also known as ghost ants, pharaoh ants, or odorous house ants in the United States, commonly ghost ants, pharaoh ants, or odorous house ants.

Sugar ants are drawn to sweets such as jelly drops from your child's sandwich, syrup, or honey. Sugar ants will be attracted to a box of sweet cereal left open at the back of the cabinet. These ants eat honeydew made by aphids and nectar from flowers when they are outside. Sugar ants are usually lured to a spill in the pantry or a cabinet when they invade your house or business breakroom.

How to Get Rid of Ghost Ants

Ghost ants clustering together image

Ghost ants are the most common reason people call a pest control business in Florida. Ghost ants are tropical ant that is most common in Florida south of Orlando, while isolated colonies have been discovered as far north as Jacksonville. Ghost ants are restricted to greenhouses and other environmentally controlled locations north of Florida. Many people who encounter ghost ants want to know how to kill ghost ants quickly

Ghost Ants -Tapinoma melanocephalum

Ghost ants' workers are quite small, measuring between 1.3 and 1.5 mm in length. The head and thorax of ghost ants are dark brown, but the abdomen is milky-white to opaque. They are small and difficult to observe, but their opaque abdomen distinguishes them from other ants. When crushed, ghost ants, like odorous house ants, emit a musty coconut-like odor.

If you have ghost ants in your kitchen, your kids will enjoy this simple feeding experiment. You can witness the abdomens of ghost ants change red, green, or yellow by combining sugar water with food coloring and placing it near their track. Insects captivate children, and while ghost ants aren't welcome in your kitchen, it's always interesting to discover something new and fun!

Ghost ants nearly always build their nests outside and then follow the route inside. Ghost ants are small but leave a trail that stretches for hundreds of feet. Although the nest is in your neighbor's yard, they will plunder your kitchen rather than your neighbor's house. There might be more than one queen in a ghost ant colony. Ghost ants frequently pick modest nesting sites since they are unable to support a large colony. They make "transient nests" that can be moved about. Budding is the process of dividing a ghost ant colony into subunits or subnests. When the colony runs out of nearby food or space, they build a subnest. A queen, ant workers, and ant brood (young ghost ants) are all moved to a new nest where there is more food and space. These subunits or subnests can reproduce because they have a queen. Worker ghost ants can trade workers between the parent nest and the subnests within the colony. With ghost ants, the adage "the brood is relocated to the food" is true. If ghost ants believe there is plenty of food, water, and shelter in your house or workplace breakroom, they will build a subnest and often bring their young with them. Consider this stage as if you were opening a franchise rather than beginning a new firm.

Sanitation is one of the best and most effective ways to prevent and control ghost ants. Make it a conscious habit to clean up spills and put food away quickly. Make a schedule for emptying and cleaning the cupboards and pantries on a regular basis. Remove any plants that attract aphids or other honeydew-producing insects. Fix any moisture problems, such as leaking faucets.

If adequate cleanliness isn't enough, or if ghost ants have established a subnest in your home, a bait treatment should eliminate the ghost ants who are using that nest. Follow the ghost ant path to find out where the ants are entering. You may assure those ghost ants will return the food/insecticide ant bait to the ant nest, where it will be shared with the reproductives and the young by luring them with a sugary or carbohydrate or protein-rich bait. Continue putting out bait until ghost ants are no longer visible.

Pharaoh Ants: How to Get Rid of Pesky Pharaoh Ants

Group of pharaoh ants roaming around for food

Pharaoh ants are African ants that gained their name from the popular belief that they were one of the 10 plagues that struck Egypt. Pharaoh ants have spread across the United States and are infamous for being tough to eradicate. Pharaoh ants are about a sixteenth of an inch long, with a yellowish to reddish body and a darker abdomen. Pharaoh ants cannot survive outside all year in northern areas of the country, but they can in South Florida.

Pharaoh ants eat a variety of foods and build nests in odd places, including within electrical switches, wall voids, and light bulb sockets, between sheets, and even in rubbish piles. When a Pharaoh ant worker leaves the nest in search of food, she leaves a pheromone trail for others to follow. Pharaoh ants have been seen following wiring and hot water pipes within walls. Pharaoh ant colonies tend to fracture or quit their nest if managed incorrectly at first, spreading around the facility and increasing the problem.

Baits are the most effective way to manage Pharaoh ants, but enticing them to consume the bait in a food-rich environment like a hospital or food processing factory is difficult. Sprays aren't usually advised or labeled for use in delicate areas like nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Pharaoh ants are notoriously difficult to control, necessitating the use of a variety of bait and bait sites. In Florida, where Pharaoh ants wander outside, outdoor sprays provide some control. Pharaoh ants, like carpenter ants, devour insects in the landscape when they're hungry. The Pharaoh ants will come into contact with the perimeter spray when they leave their indoor nest and venture outside in quest of food. To assist remove the current infestation and prevent additional Pharaoh ants from establishing residence within your walls, keep an active chemical barrier around the perimeter of your home. When Pharaoh ants infest apartment buildings or other multi-unit structures, the entire structure should be treated. Pharaoh ants will return again and time again unless every colony on and around the property is destroyed.

Indoor Pharaoh Ant Nests

Pharaoh ants have evolved to be able to nest and reproduce indoors. Pharaoh ants build nests in hard-to-reach places like wall cavities, under baseboards, beneath floors, and even inside furniture. Pharaoh ants, like the ghost ants mentioned before, use budding to produce new nests. Pharaoh ant colonies vary in size depending on available space, food, and water. Pharaoh ant colonies typically have a few thousand workers, with the largest colony having a few hundred thousand. Within a colony, there are usually many queens or females capable of reproducing. Male pharaoh ants die after mating within a few days.

The pharaoh's ant nest splits through the process of budding when space in the nest becomes scarce, or a more plentiful supply of food is discovered. A queen, workers, and some immature young pharaoh ants will leave the main nest to form a subnest. Pharaoh ant nests are typically located indoors in regions with plenty of food, water, and warmth. Light bulb sockets, potted plants, and wall gaps and crevices have all been found with them. Grocery businesses, warehouses, commercial bakeries, industries, office buildings, food distribution facilities, and medical facilities are all particularly vulnerable to Pharaoh ants. Pharaoh ant nests are abundant in these types of facilities due to their design.

Pharaoh Ants in Medical Facilities

Pharaoh ants infest houses, businesses, and medical facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes can provide enormous colonies. Many items used in a hospital or assisted care facility attract Pharaoh ants. Pharaoh ant infestations are common in hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities due to food being brought into almost every room in the medical institution and consumed in bed; Pharaoh ants have been observed to pierce the gauze that covers burn victims, feeds on their wounds, and seeks moisture/saliva from the mouths of sleeping patients. In the hospital context, pharaoh ants have been shown to behave as vectors for some infections. Pharaoh ants are small and mobile, crawling through trash and waste into IV tubes and infant incubators, contaminating sterile regions and increasing the risk of healthcare-associated diseases. Large and small medical offices and facilities should engage with qualified and experienced Pest Management Professionals and have a robust policy in place to combat pharaoh ants.

How to Get Rid of Stink-Inducing House Ants

Cluster of ants entering a home

Odorous House Ants, commonly known as Stink Ants or Coconut Ants, are a widespread household pest that can be found across the United States. When crushed, odorous house ants create a distinct rotting coconut odor. Odorous House Ants are little, about 1/8-1/16 of an inch in length, and dark brown or black in color. Odorous House Ants do not bite until provoked, and we've reviewed how they feed on sweet and protein-rich items, just like other ants.

Tramp Ants are a type of odorous house ant. Tramp Ants are home to many of the most difficult-to-control ant species. Tramp Ants are ants that have evolved to live in close proximity to humans, and they are more common in locations where human development has reduced the natural landscape. Tramp Ants are difficult to control because of the following characteristics:

There are several queens in a colony, as well as several sub-colonies.

Colonies that are related are not antagonistic toward one another.

Inhabit close quarters with humans.

Various Diets

There are a variety of nesting habits among birds.

Odorous House Ants relocate their breeding places on a regular basis, but they prefer damp, shady areas near a food source. Odorous House Ants build nests behind rocks, firewood stacks, mulch, and leaf litter in the outdoors. Odorous House Ants will build their nests near moisture leaks or dampness on the inside. When it's raining a lot outside, they normally go inside to find shelter. A nest of Odorous House Ants can be found under rugs, bathtubs, and toilets. They may also build nests in attics near roof leaks, windows, and door frames. Odorous House Ants are rare in that they frequently return to abandoned nests and utilize them when conditions improve.

Colonies of odorous house ants reproduce through both mating flights and budding. Male and female ant winged reproductives fly from the ant nest and mate during mating flights. The female drops after the flight and tries to create a nest in the environment with her fertilized eggs, while the male dies. This is uncommon, but it does happen once in a while in an Odorous House Ant colony. The presence of many queens in Odorous House Ant colonies allows for a process known as budding. Odorous House Ants will depart a spot if space becomes limited or the nest conditions change due to weather or human action such as pesticide application. A queen and workers will transport immature ants to a new location, who will establish a subcolony.

When it comes to killing Odorous House Ants, the relationship between the original nest and subnests or subcolonies is crucial. In an urban setting with many queens, a well-established Odorous House Ant colony could have tens of thousands of workers. When you factor in the subnests, you could be looking at hundreds of thousands of workers. An ant supercolony is one in which numerous subcolonies share foraging paths and even exchange workers and brood. Supercolonies of odious house ants have been reported to have as many as 6 million workers.

The complex structure of the nest, as well as the sharing of subnest resources, make it difficult to eliminate all odorous house ants. As many foraging pathways as possible must be located and baited by a Pest Management Professional or a homeowner. The nest is frequently not even on your property because these colonies are so huge. Because these ants have a tendency to reinfest previously used nesting areas, long-term eradication is difficult if your neighbor are not aggressively baiting for odorous house ants. When dealing with a supercolony of odorous house ants, the baiting process differs from baiting for a single sugar ant. Liquid bait stations, which may carry anywhere from 16 to 32 fluid oz of bait, can be strategically placed across your property. These bait stations must be kept in good working order, refilled when necessary, and checked for freshness on a regular basis. Liquid baits and granular baits can be utilized together. Check your product's label, but granule insecticides can normally be strewn around the lawn and near the foundation.

You'll need to employ several strategies to get rid of odorous house ants. At the first sign of ant disturbance or pesticide application, odorous house ant nests would shatter and relocate. The use of insecticides incorrectly, including baits and solutions, makes it even more difficult to eliminate the entire odorous house ant colony. Baits that are aggressive and plentiful, along with a non-repellent spray around the perimeter of the structure, are typically useful in getting rid of odorous house ants. The non-repellent chemical will adhere to the ants' bodies and spread throughout the nest. Non-repellent chemicals do not scatter ants, fracture colonies, or cause foraging routes to be disrupted. The ants usually continue to work until they die.

Follow the ant trails to find odorous house ant nests. If you uncover an odorous house ant nest outside, you can apply a residual insecticide to treat it.

Check your product's label to be sure it may be used to kill odorous house ants in the place and way you intend to treat them.

Mix the chemical according to the instructions on the label.

House ant nests are usually small and smelly. If the nest is hidden beneath mulch or leaf litter, gently remove it. Apply the insecticide and then re-cover the area. Work swiftly to avoid causing the nest to split once you start disturbing it.

Odorous house ants fascinate entomologists since their colonies are small outside of the forests, away from human structures and food. When introduced to cities, their populations increase, resulting in supercolonies of millions of ants. When colonies are close to people, they are larger than when they are in the wild. Multiple treatment procedures are frequently required to get rid of these pesky little ants, and neighbors must work together to tackle their odorous ant problem.

How to Get Rid of Ants with Big Heads

Big headed ants foraging

The big-headed ant is another tramp ant that is a significant problem in Florida. The big-headed ant is endemic to the Indian Ocean islands, but it has established itself in southern and central Florida. Thankfully, big-headed ants do not attack or sting people; yet, they are considered aggressive in the insect world. There are 2 types of workers in the worker caste: majors and minors. The minor workers are little brown ants with a "normal" appearance. The species' namesake is the principal workers. They are roughly twice the size of minor laborers, and their heads are disproportionately enormous in comparison to their bodies. Big-headed ants can defend their nest against fire ants and other invading insects because of the strong jaws of the principal worker.

Supercolonies can form from large-headed ants. Different pest management strategies and consumer expectations are required for super colony ants. These colonies can grow to the point that they extend beyond your property limits. Inadequate treatment can exacerbate the condition. To completely control a large colony of big-headed ants, a communal or neighborhood effort is frequently required. Big-headed ant colonies can have many queens, and if they are disturbed or the environment changes, they can readily take their brood and relocate to a new area. Food, brood, and workers will be exchanged between these sub-colonies or sub-nests via interlocking pathways. With their large footprint and activities, eradicating big-headed ants is a major task.

Ants with large heads build their nests in the dirt. As they excavate their underground tunnels, they move a lot of soil. They frequently build nests under bricks and flower pots, as well as along the foot of structures and sidewalks. Big-headed ants generate a variety of "ant mounds" that are distinct. They can dig beneath foundations and enter your property through foundation or slab fractures. Dirt and debris are frequently left around baseboards, windows, bathrooms, and kitchens by foraging big-headed ants.

Big-headed ants eat a wide variety of foods and have an omnivorous diet. They eat sweet honeydew and nectar, as well as dead insects and rubbish for lipids and proteins. They can eat larger chunks of food than most other ant species because their workers are larger-headed and more solid. Big-headed ants can enlist the help of the colony's majors to disassemble and transport large creatures like beetles back to the nest for meals.

You'll probably need to use treatment procedures to get rid of big-headed ants. The majority of big-headed ant colonies are controllable, but if they reach super colony status, removal becomes more difficult. Follow the foraging tracks of the big-headed ants and look for ant mounds in sandy regions of your yard. Pay special attention to any spots where sand has built up. Examine the foundation, the area beneath or around the bricks and stepping stones, and the area where the sidewalk meets the pavement, grass or sand. This pest control inspection should give you a good sense of the ant colony's size. You will not see traces of big-headed ants in the middle of your yard if it is properly maintained and has lush green grass.

A big-headed ant pest control treatment should include enough ant bait both indoors and outdoors to guarantee that the entire colony consumes enough ant bait to kill it. If you simply use one sub-nest to kill the ants, you'll only get temporary big-headed ants. If the ant colony is still active in and around your yard and neighborhood, big-headed ants could become a long-term problem. As a result, we advise a full-yard treatment. Big-headed ants cannot be eradicated once they have reached super colony size since you are the only one treating your home. In an ant-infested sea, however, you can turn your yard and home into an ant-free haven. Rather than fighting the battle in your doorway, fight it on your property line. If this is the case, contact Nextgen Pest Solutions right away. We have the technical know-how to eliminate big-headed ants permanently.

White-footed Ants: How to Get Rid of Them

White footed ant closeup
Photo from Wikipedia

Many calls to pest control firms are due to white-footed ants. They form large colonies despite the fact that they do not bite or sting. White-footed ants are small and dark brown or black in color. They get their name from their white or yellowish feet. White-footed ant colonies can grow anything from 8,000 to 3 million members at maturity. Because up to thirty percent of the ants in a colony are capable of reproducing, their colonies can grow rather large. White-footed ants, like the big-headed ants mentioned above, are a supercolony ant species. They construct large nests and share resources and food in a cooperative manner. A white-footed ant supercolony can cover many square miles.

Sweet nectar and honeydew are very appealing to white-footed ants. White-footed ants are known to "farm" honeydew / waste production producers such as aphids, mealybugs, and scales in various areas, despite the fact that this is not an agricultural concern in the United States. These honeydew producers will be protected and defended by white-footed ants. Aphids, mealybugs, and scales have all caused major crop losses as a result of this.

They are most commonly a concern in the United States because they are aggressive foragers who frequently end up in kitchens and restrooms. They may nest in abandoned termite galleries, despite the fact that they do not cause structural damage. White-footed ants prefer damp environments like loose bark or rocks, decaying tree limbs, leaf litter, trees and plants, and occasionally wall cavities and attics.

To destroy white-footed ants, as with all ants, we must first study their feeding and reproductive habits. As previously indicated, over half of all female white-footed ants can reproduce. White-footed ant colonies grow through two processes: nuptial flight and budding. A male and female swarmer ant fly from the nest, mate, and the female attempts to start a new colony with her fertilized eggs during the nuptial flight. When female reproductive workers transfer juvenile ants to a new area and begin to reproduce, this is known as budding. Foraging routes frequently connect this new nest to other nests. To eliminate the colony, you must eliminate all white-footed ant nests.

Trophallaxis is the process by which most ant colonies get their food. Trophallaxis is when foraging ants regurgitate some of their food into the mouths of non-foraging ants. When baiting ants, this procedure is used. Baiting may be useless since white-footed ants do not feed by trophallaxis, according to an early study. This was a mistake in identification; bait is a powerful weapon against white-footed ants. Their numbers are enormous, yet the amount of bait necessary to have an influence on their population is enormous. If you know a tree contains a white-footed ant nest, for example, lay a jar of delicious bait near the base of the tree. If you eliminate most of the foragers, you can have a big impact on the colony's health. Bait is required to kill white-footed ants; however, be aware that you will use a lot of it!

White-footed ant management necessitates a large supply of fresh bait as well as the use of a non-repellent spray. White-footed ants are common near walls and rough edges, where they forage. You must follow the ant trails during your inspection. The non-repellent spray should be used according to the instructions on the label. Ants are unable to detect this spray and hence do not avoid it. This spray spreads to other ants in the nest, finally resulting in the colony's extinction. You don't have to rely on the ants eating the bait if you carefully pick and apply a non-repellent spray.

Once white-footed ants have multiplied into the millions, they can be difficult to eradicate. Limiting white-footed ants' access to your home is important for managing them. Trim all tree branches and bushes away from your home, so they don't come into contact with it. White-footed ants use any foliage around your home as a highway. White-footed ants prefer the vegetation found in south Florida. Almost all palm trees, fruit trees, and trees with large flowers and sweet nectar should be checked for white-footed ant nests and treated if necessary.

Argentine Ants: How to Get Rid of Them

Argentine ants feeding on the remains of a liquid

Argentine ants are an invasive ant species native to Argentina and the adjacent South American regions. Argentina's ants have spread to many parts of the globe. They can be found all over the southern United States and in California and Hawaii. During the hot, dry summers, they are extremely common. Although Argentine ants are little, they form vast colonies. An Argentine ant colony with a million or more workers and hundreds of queens is considered mature. It's no surprise that the colonies grow so large when they have such a high reproductive potential!

Another reason for the prominence of Argentine ant colonies is that they do not fight between themselves; instead, they "team up" with the nearby territory. On the other hand, Argentine ants are extremely hostile towards other native insect and animal species. Argentine ants have been reported to attack other ant species, wasp nests, carpenter bees, and even bird nests due to their large numbers. The reduction in the number of endangered coast horned lizards is partly due to Argentine ants. Native harvester ants are the main food source for this reptile. On the other hand, Harvester ants are in decline, partly owing to the Argentine ant's aggressive behavior. The coast horned lizard has also been observed to be attacked by a swarm of Argentine ants.

Argentine ants are a source of terror in some insect groups and a source of relief in others. Argentine ants feed on the delicious honeydew generated by aphids and other insects like many other ants. Argentine ants will "farm" or cater to these crop-destroying insects, ensuring that their food supply is protected. Aphids are carried by Argentine ants right up to the fragile buds on plants. Argentine ants have a substantial agricultural and economic impact because they destroy pollinators and bring and protect pests to crops.

Argentine ant invasions are cyclical, according to many pest management professionals. When the weather outside is dry or chilly, Argentine ants will come within and nest near a moisture source. Ant populations rise during the summer heat. At the same time, dry circumstances encourage ants to seek moisture indoors. Argentine ants are more prone to come indoors during the winter in search of warmth and shelter. Argentine ants like to nest outside, so as the weather warms up in the spring, they return to the nest and forage among shrubs, mulch, and pine straw, beneath rocks, and along sidewalks. It's super easy to trick yourself into thinking that you've taken control of an Argentine ant colony merely because they've moved their nest outside. When the Argentine ants are not attacking your home, control activities in the yard should be conducted in the spring and fall.

The colony of Argentine ants is polygyne, which means there are several queens. Argentine ant colonies frequently have hundreds of queens capable of producing eggs. After mating once, Argentine ant queens can deposit eggs for up to 10 years and can lay up to 60 eggs every day. Ant colonies in Argentina grow by budding. A queen and a few worker ants will abandon the nest and establish a new one. These new subcolonies, or nests, are linked and share resources. These colonies frequently spread beyond your property's bounds, engulfing entire city blocks. When it comes to killing these Argentine ant supercolonies, their communal traits make them strong opponents.

The best strategy to eliminate an Argentine ant supercolony is to use a combination of products and control tactics. After a comprehensive inspection, getting rid of Argentine ants necessitates a multi-treatment approach. Trophallaxis is how Argentine ant foragers feed others in their colonies; they distribute food by mouth-to-mouth transfer. If a forager eats a sweet bait that she thinks is honeydew, she will immediately share it with the other ants in her colony. Because Argentine ants are so numerous and abundant and their nests are so vast, multiple bait deployments with significant amounts of new bait, indoors and outside if necessary, are required to affect the Argentine ant population. Argentine ants should be targeted using a non-repellent spray in addition to baits. Because these sprays are unseen by ants, they walk right through the insecticide instead of avoiding it. When they return to the nest, the active substance is passed on to other ants in the nest, killing the ants within. Directly soaking the nest is quite effective if you come across an Argentine ant nest or sub-nest during your inspection. Granular pesticides in your yard may act as a "buffer," preventing Argentine ants from entering your yard and home as the population grows.

Argentine ant management entails more than insecticide sprays, according to IPM techniques. Because Argentine ants are so small, any openings surrounding windows, doors, the foundation, or any other spot where they could be able to enter the structure should be sealed. Branches, bushes, and shrubs should all be clipped and never touch the roof, gutters, or any other portion of the structure. When vegetation comes into direct contact with your property, Argentine ants have a clear route inside your home. When dealing with a large colony of Argentine ants, every tool in the exterminator's professional Pest Control Operator's arsenal will be used, as they provide various problems. Call Nextgen Pest Solutions immediately if you need help getting rid of Argentine ants in your Georgia or Florida home or business.

Tawny Crazy Ants: How to Get Rid of Them

closeup of dead crazy ants
photo from Wikipedia

In the United States, tawny crazy ants are a relatively recent pest species. There were substantial identification questions when they were first introduced from South America in the early 2000s. Tawny crazy ants look almost identical to their Caribbean crazy ant relatives, which are also found in Florida. It was dubbed the Rasberry ant in Texas after the Pest Control Operator, who first brought it to the attention of researchers. Hairy crazy ants, Caribbean crazy ants, Rasberry crazy ants, and hormiga loca are all terms used in early scientific literature to describe tawny crazy ants. Nonetheless, the Entomological Society of America recognized tawny crazy ant as the proper name in 2013.

Currently, tawny crazy ants can be found in Texas, Florida, Georgia, and other Gulf Coast states. Hundreds of millions of tawny mad ants invade, and they seem to have a particular fondness for electrical gadgets and wiring. Many cases of tawny crazy ants nesting in electrical equipment have been observed. Short circuits and wiring and insulation damage can occur due to their presence. Thousands of dead tawny crazy ants can cause electrical equipment to overheat and fail mechanically. Tawny crazy ants have been known to shut down a sewage pumping system and caused modest and large-scale power losses.

The moniker "tawny mad ants" comes from their color and behavior. Tawny reflects the little ant's orangish-brown color. Crazy ants are named after their chaotic foraging activity, which differs from that of most ants who forage in tidy straight lines. As they forage for food, they appear to sprint in a frenetic zig-zag rhythm. People whose homes and properties have been infected by tawny crazy ants, on the other hand, believe they have gone insane. People describe a plague of Biblical proportions as tawny mad ants pouring from their television sets and laptops. Everything is bigger in Florida, and the tawny or Rasberry ant pest is no exception. Because of a tawny ant infestation, Floridians describe thousands of these ants crawling up their legs and arms.

Despite the fact that tawny crazy ants do not sting and their bite only causes minor discomfort to humans, they are considered aggressive ants in nature. Tawny crazy ants have a gland on their back end instead of a stinger that releases a substance that acts as an antidote to fire ant venom. Tawny crazy ants are relocating fire ants in the environment, armed with this armor against the fire ant's deadly venom and overwhelming numbers. Tawny crazy ants annoy native birds and bees while also displacing other insects.

Once a colony of tawny crazy ants has been established, it can spread at a rate of twenty to thirty meters per month in a neighborhood and 207 meters per month in a rural setting. Tawny crazy ants can have millions of ants if they are well-established. Multiple queens are capable of reproducing in tawny crazy ant colonies. A tawny queen will leave with workers and immature young to create a new nest when the colony is ready to expand. The fact that this new nest maintains communication and resource sharing with the other nests in the colony contributes to the tawny crazy ant's success. The nests of this supercolony work together to feed and guard the entire region. This makes eradication of the tawny crazy ant nearly impossible.

Baiting is a highly successful method of ant management for the majority of ant species. Tawny crazy ants, on the other hand, cannot be managed alone with baits. Tawny crazy ants are not attracted, nor show interest to insect baits, according to early investigations. Later research indicates that they devour insect baits and kill the ants that consume them. The treatment appears useless when you kill one million out of ten million tawny crazy ants in a colony. The control of tawny crazy ants becomes considerably more difficult due to their large colonies, aggressive nature, and inability to be easily controlled with ant bait. Because their nests are normally found outside, indoor baiting is unlikely to have an effect on the large complex nest.

When attacking the tawny crazy ant, Integrated Pest Management strategies promote using all available tools to manage insects; this is a critical practice. Clear the areas around your home, house or business of any ant nests if you're dealing with an invasion. Anything on the ground that retains moisture, such as tree stumps, leaf litter, or fallen branches, becomes a suitable home for tawny crazy ants. Repair or repair anything that causes excess moisture in the home or landscape around the property. Reduce irrigation and increase drainage by repairing any broken or leaking pipes. To prevent access, all cracks and crevices should be sealed, and all plants and vegetation should be pruned and trimmed to avoid the ants comming in contact with your home. To avoid spreading tawny crazy ants; if you need to move something from your property, inspect it carefully for ant nests before doing so. Homeowners should eliminate aphids and other insects that excrete honeydew. Tawny crazy ants are so reliant on aphid honeydew that they actually guard the aphids.

Any successful tawny crazy ant treatment should include the use of safe, effective chemicals. Multiple placements of fresh ant bait, a non-repellent perimeter spray, granular insecticides in your yard, and inquiries to discover and treat the nests directly should be enough to get rid of them. Because of their colony behaviors, no pesticide will be able to keep these ants at bay indefinitely. Tawny crazy ants are frequently a neighborhood problem; the more individuals in your neighborhood who treat them forcefully, the better the control. If a tawny mad ant colony is doing havoc on your neighborhood or commercial sector, expect monthly applications and continual monitoring to keep them out of your home or office.

Acrobat Ants: How to Get Rid of Them

Acrobat ants eating flesh of a ripe fruit

Acrobat ants are nothing more than a nuisance when compared to the supercolony ants we've discussed. They are worth mentioning in this post because of the amusing manner they behave when they are disturbed. Acrobat ants will extend their abdomen above their heads and run when scared, displaying their flexibility and athletic skill! When surprised, they may bite and occasionally exude a bad stench.

In Florida and Georgia, acrobat ants are well-established. Acrobat ants range from small to medium in size, measuring between 2.5 and 3.2mm in length. They have a heart-shaped abdomen and are glossy and dark in color. Acrobat ant colonies are much smaller and easier to manage than the other ant species we've discussed. One queen is found in each colony of acrobat ants. When ant winged females and males fly from the nest and mate, the colonies grow. When a founding queen returns from her nuptial flight and comes across wood that has been destroyed by rot, termites, or boring wood beetles, she builds a new nest. She makes her home in the rotting wood, laying eggs and raising her young. Acrobat ants are territorial, and each tree has only one nest. The queen burrows underground near the tree's base as the colony grows, while the other ants use the tree's height to forage for live and dead insects and syrupy delicious honeydew.

Acrobat ants build their nests in rotting tree stumps or hollow tree cavities outside, but they may come inside in quest of food or water. If you have acrobat ants in your house, it could mean you have a moisture or wood rot problem. Acrobat ants only build their nests in wet, rotting wood. Look for bushes or shrubs that contact the house if acrobat ants are a problem. You give an acrobat ant highway into your home if a plant housing an ant nest connects to your residence. Most acrobat ant problems can be avoided by trimming your trees and shrubs at least 6" from your house. A lone foraging acrobat ant can enter your home in search of honey or syrup that has spilled. In general, adequate cleanliness (immediately wiping up spills), limiting entrance to your home by ensuring a tight seal on windows and doors, and an active preventative pest management program will all help to solve your acrobat ant problem.

Small Black Ants: How to Rid Yourself of Ants

small black ants feeding on dog food kibble

When tiny black ants invade your home, you need a plan, and you need it now! Many ant species appear to be the same; most ants that attack houses and businesses are little and black. These small black ants will occasionally enter your home in quest of food and moisture. The majority of ant species are on the lookout for sweet liquids or carbohydrates. If you're dealing with a swarm of small black ants, here are some helpful hints on how to get rid of them.

Food and drink spills should be also be cleaned up as soon as possible.

In the kitchen and dining room, keep food enclosed.

Food should be kept in airtight containers.

Repair any water leaks or moisture issues both inside and outside your property as soon as possible.

Tree branches and shrubs should be pruned so that they do not come into contact with the structure.

Seal all of your home's windows, doors, and entrances.

To locate and treat the nest, follow the ant trails.

Apply ant bait near the paths and reapply as needed to maintain a consistent supply of fresh bait.

Spray the home's perimeter of the structure with a non-repellent spray.

Keep a close eye on the ant problem.

Ant or Termites: How to Get Rid of Flying Ants

Ants with wings are normal ants, but they have reached sexual maturity and are capable of reproducing. Female reproductives (alates), female non-reproductive (workers), and males make up an ant colony. Male ants in most ant species have only one job: to mate and then die. They don't help in food gathering, raising the young, or constructing or defending the nest. Nuptial flying is a frequent strategy for ant colonies to spread. Winged ant females and males fly from the nest and mate when the conditions are right. The male ant dies, and the female ant bites off her wings and burrows into the earth or into a tree stump, where she deposits her eggs. She is now the colony's queen if her colony is thriving.

Winged ants and winged termites are frequently confused. Winged termites emerge from their colonies in a similar manner and frequently warn us of a potential termite infestation with costly structural damage to our homes. Although winged ants are normally seen in fewer numbers than a typical termite swarm, there are some simple techniques to distinguish them.

The abdomen of a winged ant is tapered and small, whereas the waist of a winged termite is large and thick.

Antennae - the antennae of a winged ant feature a "joint" that causes the antennae to appear to bend at a right angle, whereas the antennae of a winged termite are straight.

Wings - the front wings of a winged ant are longer than the back wings; the wings of a winged termite are the same size.

If you're not sure if the winged bug you're seeing is an ant or a termite, we recommend consulting an expert. Some termites can cause serious damage quickly, so it's critical to get an accurate diagnosis to protect your house. Most pest control companies provide free inspections, or you can take them to your county extension office to be identified.

Small Ants and How to Get Rid of Them

A call for those generic small black ants is the most common complaint a pest control business receives. Ants come in a variety of kinds, and just a few are considered pests. The physical and behavioral characteristics of each ant species are distinct. The differences between most of the important pest ant species have been highlighted on this page. Knowing the precise species, their feeding activity, where they nest, and how and when they reproduce enhances the efficacy of control measures in a severe infestation. Assume you can't tell the difference between a pharaoh ant and an odorous house ant or an Argentine ant and a big-headed ant. In that situation, you may usually get rid of a mild infestation without having to make an accurate diagnosis.

Collect samples and keep track of your extermination efforts if you can't identify an ant down to the species level. If you contact a professional, they will be able to identify the ant and determine what has already been done.

A careful inspection is the first step in getting rid of any species of small black ant. Follow the ant trails outside to the ant nest, which is located in a tree or bush. Keep a lookout for broken windows or space under a door as you follow the ant trails. Look for any leaking faucets or water accumulation inside or outside your home that could allow these little black ants to make themselves home. Repair any physical issues, such as unsealed windows and leaking faucets, as soon as possible.

Ant baits are well-received by the majority of ant species. Baiting for ants necessitates that the ants consume the bait you provide. Ants can be picky eaters, depending on the species, the time of year, and the ants' feeding cycle. Most ants will consume sweet bait; however, baits containing fats, carbs, or proteins may be preferred. This is where species-level ant identification, rather than treating for the generic little black ant, comes in handy. If a delicious bait fails to attract the small black ants, try a new attractant or a different bait. A modest black ant infestation can usually be controlled by placing bait near their foraging pathways and nest outside.

Regular pest control sprays can help keep these little black ant invaders out of your house. Let's say a small army of ants tries to break into your home or office, but the structure is protected by pest control techniques. In such a situation, your tiny ant problem will most likely be resolved outside before you even notice an ant. We recommend calling a professional if you try to kill these little black ants yourself and they keep re-emerging and getting stronger. Professional pest control operators have the skills and experience to track down the ant colony and eradicate it.

Outside Ants: How to Rid Yourself of Ants Outside

A furious fire ant mound in the south may completely derail a backyard gathering. All of the ant species we've talked about have a strong outdoor presence, but they only become a "pest concern" when they enter your home. With fire ants, however, this is not the case. Even if fire ants never enter your home, they are a nuisance. Fire ant mounds can be seen at golf courses, playgrounds, suburban yards, and pavement or foundation fissures. You'll know you've stepped on one of the fire ant mounds the moment you do. Thousands of workers descended from the nest in a hurry to fend off the intruder (you). Fire ants sting with their abdomen and inject venom into your body after biting you with their jaws to stretch your skin. Each fire ant is capable of stinging you multiple times. Others grip on fast and inject their venom when you swat and fling fire ants from between your toes. A small white pustule usually appears the day after the bite/sting. Fire ant bites rarely require medical attention; nevertheless, anaphylactic shock can develop if someone is allergic to the venom. If a very small child or an older adult has had an unusually high number of bites, we strongly advise you to seek medical help.

What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Fire Ants?

Red imported fire ants

Fire ants are a very invasive ant species that arrived in the United States from Brazil between the late 1930s and the mid-1940s. They have effectively expanded to most southern states, including Florida and Georgia, because of their aggressive attitude. Fire ants are known to assault other insect and animal species because they are so aggressive. The red imported fire ant has been blamed for the reduction of horned frogs, ground-nesting birds like quail, and lightning bugs.

Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) and the native fire ant are the two main species of fire ants. By far, the most common ant species we encounter is the RIFA. Red imported fire ants create mounds and pile up vast amounts of earth; a fire ant pile is often 18" in diameter. Fire ants have a huge economic impact, reducing soybean yields and causing damage to citrus, corn, peanuts, and potato crops. Much research has been done on fire ant reduction and control strategies and the economic cost and potential medical harm that fire ants can cause. Individual companies and households and state and federal governments spend millions of dollars on fire ant management. Fortunately, study into fire ants has resulted in practical pest management solutions for eradicating fire ants from your yard or home.

Reproduction of Fire Ants

Although it was once thought that fire ant colonies only had one queen, a current study has revealed that some RIFA colonies had many queens. A mating flight is the most common way for a well-established fire ant colony to expand. As many as up to 4,500 winged fire ants (alates) fly from the nest on a warm, bright day after rain in the spring and fall. They mate during this flight, the males die, and the females look for a location to bury themselves and lay their eggs. For some reason, fire ant reproductives are drawn to pools, and it's not uncommon for a homeowner to wake up to thousands of winged alates on the water's surface. This nuptial flight might happen anywhere from 6 to 8 times per year. A fire ant-infested acre in the south could have as many as 97,000 active fire ant queens as a result of this procedure.

A genetically unique fire ant that builds polygyne colonies has been discovered in recent studies. Polygyne refers to a colony with multiple queens, sometimes hundreds. The worker fire ants in these colonies are smaller, and they are free to move between the colony's various mounds/nests. As long as they are a part of their colony, they do not fight with neighboring mounds; instead, they freely exchange food and resources. Polygyne (multiple queens) fire ant colonies frequently produce twice as many fire ants per acre of land as monogyne (single queen) fire ant colonies.

Food Preferences of Fire Ants

While most ants will consume tiny amounts of protein, syrupy sweet nectar and honeydew are preferred. Red Imported Fire Ants are best known for their predatory tendencies, despite being omnivores. Mosquito eggs, larvae, cockroaches, chiggers, fleas, and ticks are all eaten by fire ants. Tick and flea numbers appeared to be declining in places with abundant fire ants. Fire ants can also consume fly larvae, which aid in the decomposition of dead animals. Fire ants readily keep more decomposing meat for themselves by decreasing competition for it.

Like many other ant species, red imported fire ants feed on honeydew secreted by aphids. They even care for the aphids to ensure a steady supply of honeydew. Many people have reported finding fire ants in their dirty laundry. Sugars, oils, and other food residues on our clothes are most likely to blame.

Red Imported Fire Ant Survival Techniques

Fire ants are the epitome of tenacity. Nests of fire ants are commonly found near streams, creeks, and ponds. Hundreds of thousands of fire ants can cluster together and float for weeks at a time during floods. Fire ants emerge from the ground during a hurricane or tropical storm due to the abundant precipitation. They float and cling to each other until they reach higher ground. Stay away from it if you ever come across one of these floating fire ant balls. You will suffer greatly if they assume your arm or leg is on high ground. Fire ants can also create a tower to escape their submerged colony during rising water. The base of these towers is wide, and the top is narrow. These towers can grow up to 1.5" tall and are made entirely by fire ants. During droughts, they burrow deeper into the ground, where moisture may still be available and temperatures are more relaxed. Fire ants are often only a nuisance indoors during floods or droughts.

Despite the red imported fire ants' survival techniques, significant study and field experiments have resulted in adequate fire ant management measures. Although it is widely accepted that RIFA will never be completely eradicated in the United States, areas can be adequately treated so that you can enjoy your yard. Community-wide intervention is generally the most effective way to control fire ants. If you treat your 14-acre property and your neighbor does nothing to manage fire ants, your yard will be infested again in a few months. A neighborhood-wide concerted effort is excellent. A few treatments each year for each residence in the area can give great fire ant relief if properly communicated and done. Furthermore, by working together, the cost of fire ant management can be drastically decreased. Ants wouldn't be able to survive if they didn't collaborate; perhaps we humans can learn from the ant in this area!

How to Get Rid of Fire Ants in Your House

It's usually a two-step process to get rid of fire ants. Step one spreads fire ant bait throughout the yard, and step two treats individual fire ant mounds.

The most effective treatment strategy for fire ants is to use a bait product. Baits are made up of a food-grade attractant and an active pesticide ingredient. Red imported worker fire ants can travel up to 100 yards in search of food. They will find it, carry it back to the nest, and feed it to the other fire ants in the nest if you spread fire ant bait across your yard. The application of fire ant bait is notoriously difficult. Check the product label, but most products should be applied at a rate of 1 to 12 pounds per acre. Only a small amount of bait is required to achieve adequate control, and it is very easy to over-apply fire ant bait.

The objectives of various fire ant bait items vary. Some products quickly kill fire ants, while others take longer, and others contain an IGR component. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) are a type of insect growth regulator. IGRs stop insects from reproducing, but they take 2-6 months to control fire ants on their own. Baits containing indoxacarb's active ingredients produce the quickest results, reducing fire ant mounds in 8 to 24 hours, but they are also the most expensive. 1–2 weeks after application, baits containing the active component hydramethylnon give optimal control. One of the most favored fire ant products combines the IGR's long-lasting control with the comparatively fast-acting adulticide hydramethylnon. Only use fire ant baits when the ants are foraging, and there is no chance of rain in the next 8-10 hours. Fire ant bait, like potato chips, does not last indefinitely. The ants will not consume fire ant bait that has gone rotten. Every three months, fire ant preventative broadcast treatments should be applied. If you have horses or hens, always read the label on your fire ant control product or consult a pest management professional.

Individual mounds can be treated with either a fast-acting bait or a contact-killing product for adult ants. Contact mound treatments kill only the ants that come into contact with the insecticide and are only effective if the ants are close to the surface. An insecticidal drench of the mound, application of granular or dust products to the mound and surrounding area, or injectable pesticides are all examples of contact treatments. In most cases, we recommend using a fast-acting bait near the fire ant mound for environmental reasons and because they are simply more effective. If you use a fast-acting bait, use a tiny amount around the fire ant mound rather than dumping a huge amount on their nest. It's impossible for a significant amount of food to fall through your roof in one fell swoop. Ants will also find this strange, and bait uptake will be low.

You may once again throw the football in your yard and host the BBQ by combining preventative regular broadcast treatments with addressing any individual mounds that appear. Although fire ants will not be eradicated from our world anytime soon, you can keep them under control in your own personal paradise.

Natural Ant Killer

Ants are the most common pest that causes pest control firms to receive calls. Ants have highly developed survival and food-finding systems. Pheromones are chemical signals used by ants to communicate where food is located. Worker ants trail along the pheromone trail to the meal, eat it, and bring it back to the nest to share with the colony's other ants. Ants are thought to have 4 to 5 times as many odor receptors as other insects, making them extremely sensitive to scents and smells. Many people believe that oils and powders with strong scents are natural ant killers as a result of this.

Ants are a specific pest, and if they aren't managed properly, the situation will only worsen. If the ants detect that you're trying to kill them with cinnamon or vinegar, the colonies will split apart and grow, making it more difficult to get rid of them. Furthermore, if you contaminate your home's surfaces with internet-based ideas, you may have trouble getting ants to accept a bait if you decide to go that route later.

To different people, the phrase "natural" denotes different things. To some, a natural ant-killing substance is not engineered in a laboratory. Others believe that a natural ant killer is something you already have in your home or kitchen. Others consider only an OMRI Certified organic ant killer to be a natural ant remedy. Regardless of how you define natural ant killer, there are advantages and disadvantages to relying solely on this method. When the colony of ants is eradicated, the treatment is considered a success. Many "natural" or "alternative" methods may kill the ant that they come into contact with, but they will not effectively kill the colony.

Ant Killer Made at Home

People propose everything from peppermint oil sprays to cinnamon sprinkling on their counters when looking for DIY or homemade ant assassins. Coffee grinds, grits, and cornmeal are recommended by others. Many individuals believe that washing down counters with vinegar disrupts pheromone trails. Despite the fact that many people pour aspartame on ant mounds and sprinkle it on their counters, the belief that aspartame is poisonous to ants began with a satirical post published on The Spoof. There is no proof that aspartame causes ants to die.

Many of the other homemade ant killers remedies mentioned above work by merely repelling the ants. Ant colonies can be massive, and foragers can be extremely persistent, depending on the species. Ants can swiftly avoid locations that have been sprayed with a repellent substance such as mint, lemon, or cinnamon oil due to their sensitive odor receptors. You will most certainly repel some ants for a while, but you will not discover a long-term solution to your ant problem unless you address the fundamental source, which is the ant colony. Ant colonies can be found up to 25 feet underground. Pouring coffee grounds on an ant hill will most likely cause the ant colony to relocate their mound entrance a few feet, which is only a minor annoyance for the ants. You may kill all the ants in your kitchen by spraying them with soapy water, but you'll be chasing them about with your soapy water bottle. You can kill thousands of foraging ants (those that make it into your kitchen), but ants will continue to be a problem if the queen is not killed.

The only household ant killer with a high chance of long-term success is borax-based ant bait. Boric acid is a naturally occurring organic substance that is extracted from the ground. Boric acid is a cleaning agent that is frequently added to laundry and is used in contact lens solutions. Boric acid kills insects by interfering with their digestive and nervous systems. Their exoskeleton is also harmed. Boric acid, a saccharine-sweet attractant, and water can be used to make a DIY ant bait. The ants will return to the nest with the boric acid bait and feed it to the other ants in the colony. The active ingredient in many commercially available ant baits is boric acid.

Diatomaceous earth is a natural product that can kill ants, though it is unlikely to be found in your home. Diatomaceous earth is crushed and created from the fossilized remains of diatoms, small sea organisms. The dust has finely crushed the fossils. This dust can be strewn in the vicinity of trailing ants or the mound. These finely ground diatoms cling to the ants' exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and eventually die. Individual foragers will be killed by Diatomaceous Earth, sometimes known as DE. Only approximately 10-20% of the colony are foragers; therefore, they are likely to come across diatomaceous earth. If they are slain, the territory will readily replenish them. DE will not kill the colony or give a long-term cure, but it will repel some ants and stress the colony. Many DE brands are OMRI Certified Organic, in addition to being totally created by nature.

Ant Killer Made from Natural Ingredients

Many pest control businesses provide green or organic pest prevention programs for which you can sign up. Inquire carefully about the pest treatment company's products to see if they are environmentally friendly, "green," or certified as organic. Ant Baits are known as a "green" form of pest control because of the low toxicity and small amounts of pesticides used, but most ant baits are not labeled organic. Don't be afraid to ask tough questions if you care about the organic label or need it to keep your organic certification.

Organic pesticides are made from natural ingredients rather than lab-made or synthetic chemicals. Active compounds derived from chrysanthemum oil, citrus oil, geranium oil, cedarwood oil, or peppermint oil are common OMRI Certified Organic insecticides. These organic pesticides have a strong fragrance. This isn't great for ant control because they can smell the insecticide very quickly and avoid coming into touch with it. If you must use only certified organic pesticides to manage ants, you must first find and treat the nests. You cannot rely on the powerful and effective transmission impact of baits.

How to Get Rid of Ants Forever

Ants are found in about 12,000 different species around the world. Ants are vital to the environment since they are one of nature's primary decomposers. They have a variety of distinct qualities, and everyone who observes them admires their work ethic. They are not, however, welcome in our homes or companies. The same characteristics that pique our interest in ants make them a great adversary for homeowners and pest control professionals. Thanks to study and scientific developments, our ability to regulate ants is better now than at any previous point in history. When ants become pests, ant baits and sprays that carry active chemicals to the colony on our behalf allow us to eventually win control.

Regular pest control and a good rapport with your specialist can save you a lot of time-fighting ants. Small ant concerns rarely become more than that with regular attention and the trained eye of a pest management professional. You will luckily never end up on the losing end of an ant infestation if you have the capacity to phone your pest control company as soon as you spot an ant.

Correctly identifying ant species is critical to a successful ant treatment, as discussed in detail in this article. A comprehensive inspection is the first step when you call Nextgen Pest Solutions for an ant problem. An ant inspection aims to determine what kind of ant is present, where they're coming from, and how bad the infestation is. Is the nest inside or outside? Is the problem exacerbated by the hygienic conditions in the home or outside? Are there any trees in the yard touching the home, or are there masses of decaying yard detritus cluttering the yard? Depending on what is discovered, pest inspections may lead to the attic or the pool pump area. No ant trail is left unfollowed after a thorough ant inspection.

A thorough inspection, in accordance with Integrated Pest Management principles, will reveal ways to control ants without using chemicals. Moisture sources, such as a leaky spigot outside or beneath the kitchen sink, should be explored thoroughly. Physical barriers (close windows and doors), landscape alteration (cut trees and decrease yard clutter), sanitation (seal and properly store ant food supplies), and low-toxicity ant baits and targeted spray applications can all be used to control ants utilizing a multi-pronged approach.

Once your Pest Control Professional has gathered as much information as possible, he will use his knowledge of ant biology and behavior to your circumstance.

Every ant species is unique, with distinct behaviors and traits. Professional exterminators will use a bait product near the ant trails as their first line of defense against most ant species. You've already decreased tension and conflict by placing the bait near where they enter the house rather than on the kitchen or bathroom countertops. Ants are notoriously fussy eaters, and a successful baiting strategy relies on the ants consuming the bait you provided. If the ants aren't attracted to the lure you've set out, try a different bait with a different bait matrix. Try a protein bait if you tried sweet. If you're going for protein, go for carbohydrate bait. Ant bait comes in a variety of flavors and nutritional content. Continue to feed the bait to the ants once they've eaten it. Make sure the bait is fresh and refreshed on a regular basis. Continue to supply bait until the ants are no longer a problem, whether you're dealing with a supercolony of Argentine Ants or a few sugar and foragers.

The pest control application of a non-repellent spray around the perimeter of your home is the second step in permanently removing ants. This spray aims to get it on their feet and legs as they walk through it. The disease will spread to the other ants when they return to the nest, eventually killing the entire ant colony. Using a non-repellent insecticide is critical to prevent ants from avoiding pesticide application. These sprays are typically applied outside, around the house's foundation, around windows, doors, and where cable or phone lines enter the structure. Follow the product's instructions carefully, but an ant nest in a tree or stump can often be treated. Although it depends on the outdoor conditions, most common non-repellent ant sprays last and are effective for months.

Combining aggressive baiting with a long-lasting non-repellent spray is an effective strategy for most common ant infestations. Ant nests should always be on the lookout in your yard and bushes. Treating the ant nests directly speeds up the colony's demise. Remember to research your ant species and set realistic goals. Regular preventative treatments are required in high fire ant activity areas, or your neighbor's fire ants will encroach on your property. This can also be true in the case of an odorous house ant supercolony. You can create a pest control barrier around your yard by regularly feeding bait and applying pesticides. You will be quickly overwhelmed if you do not continue to manage the situation.

Ants in the yard and ants in your home or place of business may and should be addressed. Do-it-yourself ant treatments for pest control can be effective if you take the time to apply the correct products to the appropriate locations, thanks to the wealth of information available on the internet. It's not as simple as throwing ant bait out and hoping it works. In order to achieve permanent ant control, follow-up inspections evaluating the control methods are required. We at Imperial Pest Prevention are ready to assist you if you have opted to leave it to the specialists. Imperial Pest Prevention is a locally owned and operated pest control company with locations in Daytona Beach and Palm Coast, Florida. Our highly skilled and experienced ant control professionals can arrive at your home the same day or the next day to eliminate your ant infestation.


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